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xianhui 2024-12-28 联系我们 4 次浏览 0个评论

? 有二种方式,一种就是写jrxml文件,其实就是xml文件,只不过是后缀名不一样罢了。另一种方式更直接,就是生成一个JasperDesign类的实例,在japsperDesign中自己定义模板。jrxml文件也是通过一个JRXmlLoad加载过来,转成JasperDesign类的实例。也就是说写jrxml文件还需要进行解析,加载。现实中我们使用的报表一般格式比较固定,因而可以通过先使用iReport工具生成模板,再加载解析的方式。这种方式简单,而且可见性强。
? 在最新版(2007.4.30发布)的jasperReports1.3.3中,支持了很多的格式,包括了对于Hibernate的支持。填充数据对于我们经常使用的来说,一般是二种方式,一种方式是通过JDBC连接提供数据源,一种就是通过javaBean的集合提供数据源。当然还有web Service的xml文件提供的。我的建议是,如果你的程序中的统计直接使用Jdbc就可以完成,那么就使用jdbc数据源的方法,反之,使用 javaBean的集合是不错的选择,因为这样不会在意你的数据的来源,你也可以任意处理,比如说,要通过权限检查的数据才在报表中生成的话,就可以过滤到不符合权限的数据。
? 显示,即将JasperReport生成的文件直接显示出来,打印所使用的方式其实就是生成文件,然后调用打印来对文件进行打印。

?  以上包是jasperReport必须。
?? 这个很简单,直接下一步就可以了。
3、使用iReport生成 .jasper文件
数据填充是相对于比较重要的一步,数据填充的目的是为了将数据填充进去,生成一个JapserPrint对象。笔者在之前已经阐述过,现在主要是基于关系型数据库(比较简单的,没有权限控制的),以及基于JavaBean Collection进行数据填充。进行数据填充的基本就是一定要实现JRDataSource,JRDataSource定义了二个方法,一个是指针移动的方法next(),另一个是取值的getFieldValue()方法,用来取值填充。
对于关系型数据库,即直接利用数据库的表来生成报表的,只需要传入一个Java Connection即可。JasperReport已经有了个默认的实现的JRDataSource的接口了。对于Java Conncetion的获得,笔者建议使用工厂方法或者使用Spring方式来获得。可以参照笔者写的如下:





???????? 1. /**?? ?
???????? 2.? * @copyRight Beijing Tsing-Tech Reachway Software Co.,Ltd.?? ?
???????? 3.? * @author Jimmy.Shine 2007-5-11?? ?
???????? 4.? */??? ?
???????? 5. package cn.com.reachway.framework.report;???? ?
???????? 6.???? ?
???????? 7. import java.sql.Connection;???? ?
???????? 8. import java.sql.DriverManager;???? ?
???????? 9.???? ?
??????? 10. import cn.com.reachway.framework.exception.JasperReportException;???? ?
??????? 11.???? ?
??????? 12. /**?? ?
??????? 13.? * Used for get a JDBC connection for Jasper Report?? ?
??????? 14.? */??? ?
??????? 15. public class JDBCConnection {???? ?
??????? 16.? /**?? ?
??????? 17.?? * Which Jdbc driver were used. Like: "net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver"?? ?
??????? 18.?? */??? ?
??????? 19.? private String jdbcDriver;???? ?
??????? 20.? /**?? ?
??????? 21.?? * The jdbc url,define which database server,which db. Like:?? ?
??????? 22.?? * "jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://;DatabaseName=JAVA5;SelectMethod=Cursor"?? ?
??????? 23.?? */??? ?
??????? 24.? private String jdbcUrl;???? ?
??????? 25.???? ?
??????? 26.? private String dbUser;???? ?
??????? 27.???? ?
??????? 28.? private String dbPassword;???? ?
??????? 29.???? ?
??????? 30.? public String getDbPassword() {???? ?
??????? 31.?? return dbPassword;???? ?
??????? 32.? }???? ?
??????? 33.???? ?
??????? 34.? public void setDbPassword(String dbPassword) {???? ?
??????? 35.?? this.dbPassword = dbPassword;???? ?
??????? 36.? }???? ?
??????? 37.???? ?
??????? 38.? public String getDbUser() {???? ?
??????? 39.?? return dbUser;???? ?
??????? 40.? }???? ?
??????? 41.???? ?
??????? 42.? public void setDbUser(String dbUser) {???? ?
??????? 43.?? this.dbUser = dbUser;???? ?
??????? 44.? }???? ?
??????? 45.???? ?
??????? 46.? public String getJdbcDriver() {???? ?
??????? 47.?? return jdbcDriver;???? ?
??????? 48.? }???? ?
??????? 49.???? ?
??????? 50.? public void setJdbcDriver(String jdbcDriver) {???? ?
??????? 51.?? this.jdbcDriver = jdbcDriver;???? ?
??????? 52.? }???? ?
??????? 53.???? ?
??????? 54.? public String getJdbcUrl() {???? ?
??????? 55.?? return jdbcUrl;???? ?
??????? 56.? }???? ?
??????? 57.???? ?
??????? 58.? public void setJdbcUrl(String jdbcUrl) {???? ?
??????? 59.?? this.jdbcUrl = jdbcUrl;???? ?
??????? 60.? }???? ?
??????? 61.???? ?
??????? 62.? public JDBCConnection() {???? ?
??????? 63.?? super();???? ?
??????? 64.? }???? ?
??????? 65.? /**?? ?
??????? 66.?? * Get the Connection??? ?
??????? 67.?? * @return connection?? ?
??????? 68.?? * @throws JasperReportException?? ?
??????? 69.?? */??? ?
??????? 70.? public Connection getConnection() throws JasperReportException {???? ?
??????? 71.?? Connection con;???? ?
??????? 72.?? try {???? ?
??????? 73.??? check();???? ?
??????? 74.??? Class.forName(this.jdbcDriver);???? ?
??????? 75.??? con = DriverManager.getConnection(this.jdbcUrl, this.dbUser, this.dbPassword);???? ?
??????? 76.??? return con;???? ?
??????? 77.?? } catch (Exception e) {???? ?
??????? 78.??? e.printStackTrace();???? ?
??????? 79.??? throw new JasperReportException("Get JDBC Connection Error");???? ?
??????? 80.?? }???? ?
??????? 81.? }???? ?
??????? 82.?????? ?
??????? 83.? /**?? ?
??????? 84.?? * Check the Configure?? ?
??????? 85.?? * @throws JasperReportException?? ?
??????? 86.?? */??? ?
??????? 87.? private void check() throws JasperReportException {???? ?
??????? 88.?? if (this.jdbcDriver == null || this.jdbcDriver.equals("") || this.jdbcUrl == null || this.jdbcUrl.equals("")???? ?
??????? 89.???? || this.dbUser == null || this.dbUser.equals("") || this.dbPassword == null) {???? ?
??????? 90.??? throw new JasperReportException("Jdbc Configure error!");???? ?
??????? 91.?? }???? ?
??????? 92.? }???? ?
??????? 93.???? ?
??????? 94. }???? ?
??????? 95.???? ?

????? /**? ?
?????? * @copyRight Beijing Tsing-Tech Reachway Software Co.,Ltd.? ?
?????? * @author Jimmy.Shine 2007-5-11? ?
?????? */? ?
????? package cn.com.reachway.framework.report;?? ?
??????? ?
????? import java.sql.Connection;?? ?
????? import java.sql.DriverManager;?? ?
??????? ?
????? import cn.com.reachway.framework.exception.JasperReportException;?? ?
??????? ?
????? /**? ?
?????? * Used for get a JDBC connection for Jasper Report? ?
?????? */? ?
????? public class JDBCConnection {?? ?
?????? /**? ?
??????? * Which Jdbc driver were used. Like: "net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver"? ?
??????? */? ?
?????? private String jdbcDriver;?? ?
?????? /**? ?
??????? * The jdbc url,define which database server,which db. Like:? ?
??????? * "jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://;DatabaseName=JAVA5;SelectMethod=Cursor"? ?
??????? */? ?
?????? private String jdbcUrl;?? ?
??????? ?
?????? private String dbUser;?? ?
??????? ?
?????? private String dbPassword;?? ?
??????? ?
?????? public String getDbPassword() {?? ?
??????? return dbPassword;?? ?
?????? }?? ?
??????? ?
?????? public void setDbPassword(String dbPassword) {?? ?
??????? this.dbPassword = dbPassword;?? ?
?????? }?? ?
??????? ?
?????? public String getDbUser() {?? ?
??????? return dbUser;?? ?
?????? }?? ?
??????? ?
?????? public void setDbUser(String dbUser) {?? ?
??????? this.dbUser = dbUser;?? ?
?????? }?? ?
??????? ?
?????? public String getJdbcDriver() {?? ?
??????? return jdbcDriver;?? ?
?????? }?? ?
??????? ?
?????? public void setJdbcDriver(String jdbcDriver) {?? ?
??????? this.jdbcDriver = jdbcDriver;?? ?
?????? }?? ?
??????? ?
?????? public String getJdbcUrl() {?? ?
??????? return jdbcUrl;?? ?
?????? }?? ?
??????? ?
?????? public void setJdbcUrl(String jdbcUrl) {?? ?
??????? this.jdbcUrl = jdbcUrl;?? ?
?????? }?? ?
??????? ?
?????? public JDBCConnection() {?? ?
??????? super();?? ?
?????? }?? ?
?????? /**? ?
??????? * Get the Connection?? ?
??????? * @return connection? ?
??????? * @throws JasperReportException? ?
??????? */? ?
?????? public Connection getConnection() throws JasperReportException {?? ?
??????? Connection con;?? ?
??????? try {?? ?
???????? check();?? ?
???????? Class.forName(this.jdbcDriver);?? ?
???????? con = DriverManager.getConnection(this.jdbcUrl, this.dbUser, this.dbPassword);?? ?
???????? return con;?? ?
??????? } catch (Exception e) {?? ?
???????? e.printStackTrace();?? ?
???????? throw new JasperReportException("Get JDBC Connection Error");?? ?
??????? }?? ?
?????? }?? ?
????????? ?
?????? /**? ?
??????? * Check the Configure? ?
??????? * @throws JasperReportException? ?
??????? */? ?
?????? private void check() throws JasperReportException {?? ?
??????? if (this.jdbcDriver == null || this.jdbcDriver.equals("") || this.jdbcUrl == null || this.jdbcUrl.equals("")?? ?
????????? || this.dbUser == null || this.dbUser.equals("") || this.dbPassword == null) {?? ?
???????? throw new JasperReportException("Jdbc Configure error!");?? ?
??????? }?? ?
?????? }?? ?

????? }?? ??




?? 1. /**?? ?
?? 2.? * @copyRight Beijing Tsing-Tech Reachway Software Co.,Ltd.?? ?
?? 3.? * @author Jimmy.Shine 2007-5-14?? ?
?? 4.? */??? ?
?? 5. package cn.com.reachway.framework.report.dataSource;???? ?
?? 6.???? ?
?? 7. import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSource;???? ?
?? 8. import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException;???? ?
?? 9. import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRField;???? ?
? 10.???? ?
? 11. /**?? ?
? 12.? * 报表的dataSource的基类,所有利用DataSource产生报表的继承此类?? ?
? 13.? */??? ?
? 14. public abstract class ReportDataSource implements JRDataSource {???? ?
? 15.???? ?
? 16.? /**?? ?
? 17.?? * 取值?? ?
? 18.?? */??? ?
? 19.? public abstract Object getFieldValue(JRField jrField) throws JRException;???? ?
? 20.???? ?
? 21.? /**?? ?
? 22.?? * 指针移动?? ?
? 23.?? */??? ?
? 24.? public abstract boolean next() throws JRException;???? ?
? 25.???? ?
? 26. }???? ?
? 27.???? ?

/**? ?
?* @copyRight Beijing Tsing-Tech Reachway Software Co.,Ltd.? ?
?* @author Jimmy.Shine 2007-5-14? ?
?*/? ?
package cn.com.reachway.framework.report.dataSource;?? ?
? ?
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSource;?? ?
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException;?? ?
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRField;?? ?
? ?
/**? ?
?* 报表的dataSource的基类,所有利用DataSource产生报表的继承此类? ?
?*/? ?
public abstract class ReportDataSource implements JRDataSource {?? ?
? ?
?/**? ?
? * 取值? ?
? */? ?
?public abstract Object getFieldValue(JRField jrField) throws JRException;?? ?
? ?
?/**? ?
? * 指针移动? ?
? */? ?
?public abstract boolean next() throws JRException;?? ?
? ?
}?? ?
? ?


对于其它的数据源,JavaBean Collection,笔者采用了一个抽象类,使用抽象类的目的,是为了使开发者尽可能不用直接接触jasperReport(此为笔者自己的方式,笔者是PM,为了考虑底下的人的开发)。以下为抽象类以及笔者提供的一个sample:




???????? 1. /**?? ?
???????? 2.? * @copyRight Beijing Tsing-Tech Reachway Software Co.,Ltd.?? ?
???????? 3.? * @author Jimmy.Shine 2007-5-14?? ?
???????? 4.? */??? ?
???????? 5. package cn.com.reachway.framework.report.dataSource;???? ?
???????? 6.???? ?
???????? 7. import java.util.ArrayList;???? ?
???????? 8. import java.util.List;???? ?
???????? 9.???? ?
??????? 10. import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException;???? ?
??????? 11. import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRField;???? ?
??????? 12.???? ?
??????? 13. /**?? ?
??????? 14.? * 利用JavaBean Collection生成ReportDataSource的例子?? ?
??????? 15.? */??? ?
??????? 16. public class ReportDataSourceSample extends ReportDataSource {???? ?
??????? 17.???? ?
??????? 18.? private List docs = new ArrayList();???? ?
??????? 19.???? ?
??????? 20.? private int index = -1;???? ?
??????? 21.???? ?
??????? 22.? public ReportDataSourceSample() {???? ?
??????? 23.?? for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {???? ?
??????? 24.??? Document doc = new Document("ViewTimes is:" + i, i);???? ?
??????? 25.??? this.docs.add(doc);???? ?
??????? 26.?? }???? ?
??????? 27.? }???? ?
??????? 28.???? ?
??????? 29.? // 内部类,作为demo时使用???? ?
??????? 30.? private class Document {???? ?
??????? 31.?? private String name;???? ?
??????? 32.???? ?
??????? 33.?? private int viewTimes;???? ?
??????? 34.???? ?
??????? 35.?? public String getName() {???? ?
??????? 36.??? return name;???? ?
??????? 37.?? }???? ?
??????? 38.???? ?
??????? 39.?? public void setName(String name) {???? ?
??????? 40.??? this.name = name;???? ?
??????? 41.?? }???? ?
??????? 42.???? ?
??????? 43.?? public int getViewTimes() {???? ?
??????? 44.??? return viewTimes;???? ?
??????? 45.?? }???? ?
??????? 46.???? ?
??????? 47.?? public void setViewTimes(int viewTimes) {???? ?
??????? 48.??? this.viewTimes = viewTimes;???? ?
??????? 49.?? }???? ?
??????? 50.???? ?
??????? 51.?? public Document() {???? ?
??????? 52.?? }???? ?
??????? 53.???? ?
??????? 54.?? public Document(String name, int viewTimes) {???? ?
??????? 55.??? this.name = name;???? ?
??????? 56.??? this.viewTimes = viewTimes;???? ?
??????? 57.?? }???? ?
??????? 58.? }???? ?
??????? 59.???? ?
??????? 60.? public List getDocs() {???? ?
??????? 61.?? return docs;???? ?
??????? 62.? }???? ?
??????? 63.???? ?
??????? 64.? public void setDocs(List docs) {???? ?
??????? 65.?? this.docs = docs;???? ?
??????? 66.? }???? ?
??????? 67.???? ?
??????? 68.? @Override??? ?
??????? 69.? public Object getFieldValue(JRField jrField) throws JRException {???? ?
??????? 70.???? ?
??????? 71.?? String fieldName = jrField.getName();???? ?
??????? 72.?? Document doc = this.docs.get(index);???? ?
??????? 73.?? if ("name".equals(fieldName)) {???? ?
??????? 74.??? return doc.getName();???? ?
??????? 75.?? }???? ?
??????? 76.?? if ("viewTimes".equals(fieldName)) {???? ?
??????? 77.??? return doc.getViewTimes();???? ?
??????? 78.?? }???? ?
??????? 79.?? return null;???? ?
??????? 80.? }???? ?
??????? 81.???? ?
??????? 82.? @Override??? ?
??????? 83.? public boolean next() throws JRException {???? ?
??????? 84.?? index++;???? ?
??????? 85.?? return (index < this.docs.size());???? ?
??????? 86.? }???? ?
??????? 87. }???? ?
??????? 88.???? ?

????? /**? ?
?????? * @copyRight Beijing Tsing-Tech Reachway Software Co.,Ltd.? ?
?????? * @author Jimmy.Shine 2007-5-14? ?
?????? */? ?
????? package cn.com.reachway.framework.report.dataSource;?? ?
??????? ?
????? import java.util.ArrayList;?? ?
????? import java.util.List;?? ?
??????? ?
????? import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException;?? ?
????? import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRField;?? ?
??????? ?
????? /**? ?
?????? * 利用JavaBean Collection生成ReportDataSource的例子? ?
?????? */? ?
????? public class ReportDataSourceSample extends ReportDataSource {?? ?
??????? ?
?????? private List docs = new ArrayList();?? ?
??????? ?
?????? private int index = -1;?? ?
??????? ?
?????? public ReportDataSourceSample() {?? ?
??????? for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {?? ?
???????? Document doc = new Document("ViewTimes is:" + i, i);?? ?
???????? this.docs.add(doc);?? ?
??????? }?? ?
?????? }?? ?
??????? ?
?????? // 内部类,作为demo时使用?? ?
?????? private class Document {?? ?
??????? private String name;?? ?
??????? ?
??????? private int viewTimes;?? ?
??????? ?
??????? public String getName() {?? ?
???????? return name;?? ?
??????? }?? ?
??????? ?
??????? public void setName(String name) {?? ?
???????? this.name = name;?? ?
??????? }?? ?
??????? ?
??????? public int getViewTimes() {?? ?
???????? return viewTimes;?? ?
??????? }?? ?
??????? ?
??????? public void setViewTimes(int viewTimes) {?? ?
???????? this.viewTimes = viewTimes;?? ?
??????? }?? ?
??????? ?
??????? public Document() {?? ?
??????? }?? ?
??????? ?
??????? public Document(String name, int viewTimes) {?? ?
???????? this.name = name;?? ?
???????? this.viewTimes = viewTimes;?? ?
??????? }?? ?
?????? }?? ?
??????? ?
?????? public List getDocs() {?? ?
??????? return docs;?? ?
?????? }?? ?
??????? ?
?????? public void setDocs(List docs) {?? ?
??????? this.docs = docs;?? ?
?????? }?? ?
??????? ?
?????? @Override? ?
?????? public Object getFieldValue(JRField jrField) throws JRException {?? ?
??????? ?
??????? String fieldName = jrField.getName();?? ?
??????? Document doc = this.docs.get(index);?? ?
??????? if ("name".equals(fieldName)) {?? ?
???????? return doc.getName();?? ?
??????? }?? ?
??????? if ("viewTimes".equals(fieldName)) {?? ?
???????? return doc.getViewTimes();?? ?
??????? }?? ?
??????? return null;?? ?
?????? }?? ?
??????? ?
?????? @Override? ?
?????? public boolean next() throws JRException {?? ?
??????? index++;?? ?
??????? return (index < this.docs.size());?? ?
?????? }?? ?
????? }?? ?
??????? ?

????? 以上的例子应当很清楚的写明了如何生成数据源。
????? 对于数据源的填充,笔者使用了二个类,分别用来对应使用Connction及JavaBean Collection进行填充。



???????? 1. /**?? ?
???????? 2.? * @copyRight Beijing Tsing-Tech Reachway Software Co.,Ltd.?? ?
???????? 3.? * @author Jimmy.Shine 2007-5-12?? ?
???????? 4.? */??? ?
???????? 5. package cn.com.reachway.framework.report.jasperPrint;???? ?
???????? 6.???? ?
???????? 7. import java.io.File;???? ?
???????? 8. import java.sql.Connection;???? ?
???????? 9. import java.util.Map;???? ?
??????? 10.???? ?
??????? 11. import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException;???? ?
??????? 12. import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperFillManager;???? ?
??????? 13. import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperPrint;???? ?
??????? 14. import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperReport;???? ?
??????? 15. import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRLoader;???? ?
??????? 16. import cn.com.reachway.framework.exception.JasperReportException;???? ?
??????? 17.???? ?
??????? 18. /**?? ?
??????? 19.? * 使用报表模板及数据等来生成JapserPrint?? ?
??????? 20.? */??? ?
??????? 21. public class JasperPrintWithConnection {???? ?
??????? 22.? /** 传入的参数 */??? ?
??????? 23.? private Map params;???? ?
??????? 24.? /** 模板文件的地址 */??? ?
??????? 25.? private String reportFilePath;???? ?
??????? 26.? /** JDBC connection */??? ?
??????? 27.? private Connection con;???? ?
??????? 28.???? ?
??????? 29.? public Connection getCon() {???? ?
??????? 30.?? return con;???? ?
??????? 31.? }???? ?
??????? 32.???? ?
??????? 33.? public void setCon(Connection con) {???? ?
??????? 34.?? this.con = con;???? ?
??????? 35.? }???? ?
??????? 36.???? ?
??????? 37.? public Map getParams() {???? ?
??????? 38.?? return params;???? ?
??????? 39.? }???? ?
??????? 40.???? ?
??????? 41.? public void setParams(Map params) {???? ?
??????? 42.?? this.params = params;???? ?
??????? 43.? }???? ?
??????? 44.???? ?
??????? 45.? public String getReportFilePath() {???? ?
??????? 46.?? return reportFilePath;???? ?
??????? 47.? }???? ?
??????? 48.???? ?
??????? 49.? public void setReportFilePath(String reportFilePath) throws JasperReportException {???? ?
??????? 50.?? if (reportFilePath == null || !reportFilePath.endsWith(".jasper"))???? ?
??????? 51.??? throw new JasperReportException("您传入的模板文件格式不对,请传入以.jasper为后缀的文件!");???? ?
??????? 52.?? this.reportFilePath = reportFilePath;???? ?
??????? 53.? }???? ?
??????? 54.???? ?
??????? 55.? public JasperPrintWithConnection() {???? ?
??????? 56.?? super();???? ?
??????? 57.? }???? ?
??????? 58.???? ?
??????? 59.? public JasperPrintWithConnection(String reportFilePath, Map params, Connection con) throws JasperReportException {???? ?
??????? 60.?? if (reportFilePath == null || !reportFilePath.endsWith(".jasper"))???? ?
??????? 61.??? throw new JasperReportException("模板文件格式不对,请传入以.jasper为后缀的文件!");???? ?
??????? 62.?? if (con == null)???? ?
??????? 63.??? throw new JasperReportException("Conncetion不应当为null!");???? ?
??????? 64.?? this.setReportFilePath(reportFilePath);???? ?
??????? 65.?? this.setParams(params);???? ?
??????? 66.?? this.setCon(con);???? ?
??????? 67.? }???? ?
??????? 68.?????? ?
??????? 69.? /**?? ?
??????? 70.?? * 取得JasperPrint?? ?
??????? 71.?? * @return?? ?
??????? 72.?? * @throws JasperReportException?? ?
??????? 73.?? */??? ?
??????? 74.? public JasperPrint getJasperPrint() throws JasperReportException {???? ?
??????? 75.?? File reportFile = new File(this.reportFilePath);???? ?
??????? 76.?? if (!reportFile.exists())???? ?
??????? 77.??? throw new JasperReportException("传入的模板文件不存在!");???? ?
??????? 78.???? ?
??????? 79.?? try {???? ?
??????? 80.??? // Load编译好的模板???? ?
??????? 81.??? JasperReport jasperReport = (JasperReport) JRLoader.loadObject(reportFile.getPath());???? ?
??????? 82.??? // 进行数据填充???? ?
??????? 83.??? JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, this.params, this.con);???? ?
??????? 84.??? return jasperPrint;???? ?
??????? 85.???? ?
??????? 86.?? } catch (JRException jre) {???? ?
??????? 87.??? jre.printStackTrace();???? ?
??????? 88.??? throw new JasperReportException("在进行数据填充时发生了错误中,请检查是否是数据库连接错误或者是用来填充的参数map有误!");???? ?
??????? 89.?? }???? ?
??????? 90.???? ?
??????? 91.? }???? ?
??????? 92. }???? ?
??????? 93.???? ?

????? /**? ?
?????? * @copyRight Beijing Tsing-Tech Reachway Software Co.,Ltd.? ?
?????? * @author Jimmy.Shine 2007-5-12? ?
?????? */? ?
????? package cn.com.reachway.framework.report.jasperPrint;?? ?
??????? ?
????? import java.io.File;?? ?
????? import java.sql.Connection;?? ?
????? import java.util.Map;?? ?
??????? ?
????? import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException;?? ?
????? import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperFillManager;?? ?
????? import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperPrint;?? ?
????? import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperReport;?? ?
????? import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRLoader;?? ?
????? import cn.com.reachway.framework.exception.JasperReportException;?? ?
??????? ?
????? /**? ?
?????? * 使用报表模板及数据等来生成JapserPrint? ?
?????? */? ?
????? public class JasperPrintWithConnection {?? ?
?????? /** 传入的参数 */? ?
?????? private Map params;?? ?
?????? /** 模板文件的地址 */? ?
?????? private String reportFilePath;?? ?
?????? /** JDBC connection */? ?
?????? private Connection con;?? ?
??????? ?
?????? public Connection getCon() {?? ?
??????? return con;?? ?
?????? }?? ?
??????? ?
?????? public void setCon(Connection con) {?? ?
??????? this.con = con;?? ?
?????? }?? ?
??????? ?
?????? public Map getParams() {?? ?
??????? return params;?? ?
?????? }?? ?
??????? ?
?????? public void setParams(Map params) {?? ?
??????? this.params = params;?? ?
?????? }?? ?
??????? ?
?????? public String getReportFilePath() {?? ?
??????? return reportFilePath;?? ?
?????? }?? ?
??????? ?
?????? public void setReportFilePath(String reportFilePath) throws JasperReportException {?? ?
??????? if (reportFilePath == null || !reportFilePath.endsWith(".jasper"))?? ?
???????? throw new JasperReportException("您传入的模板文件格式不对,请传入以.jasper为后缀的文件!");?? ?
??????? this.reportFilePath = reportFilePath;?? ?
?????? }?? ?
??????? ?
?????? public JasperPrintWithConnection() {?? ?
??????? super();?? ?
?????? }?? ?
??????? ?
?????? public JasperPrintWithConnection(String reportFilePath, Map params, Connection con) throws JasperReportException {?? ?
??????? if (reportFilePath == null || !reportFilePath.endsWith(".jasper"))?? ?
???????? throw new JasperReportException("模板文件格式不对,请传入以.jasper为后缀的文件!");?? ?
??????? if (con == null)?? ?
???????? throw new JasperReportException("Conncetion不应当为null!");?? ?
??????? this.setReportFilePath(reportFilePath);?? ?
??????? this.setParams(params);?? ?
??????? this.setCon(con);?? ?
?????? }?? ?
????????? ?
?????? /**? ?
??????? * 取得JasperPrint? ?
??????? * @return? ?
??????? * @throws JasperReportException? ?
??????? */? ?
?????? public JasperPrint getJasperPrint() throws JasperReportException {?? ?
??????? File reportFile = new File(this.reportFilePath);?? ?
??????? if (!reportFile.exists())?? ?
???????? throw new JasperReportException("传入的模板文件不存在!");?? ?
??????? ?
??????? try {?? ?
???????? // Load编译好的模板?? ?
???????? JasperReport jasperReport = (JasperReport) JRLoader.loadObject(reportFile.getPath());?? ?
???????? // 进行数据填充?? ?
???????? JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, this.params, this.con);?? ?
???????? return jasperPrint;?? ?
??????? ?
??????? } catch (JRException jre) {?? ?
???????? jre.printStackTrace();?? ?
???????? throw new JasperReportException("在进行数据填充时发生了错误中,请检查是否是数据库连接错误或者是用来填充的参数map有误!");?? ?
??????? }?? ?
??????? ?
?????? }?? ?
????? }?? ?????????

?????????????? 1. /**?? ?
?????????????? 2.? * @copyRight Beijing Tsing-Tech Reachway Software Co.,Ltd.?? ?
?????????????? 3.? * @author Jimmy.Shine 2007-5-14?? ?
?????????????? 4.? */??? ?
?????????????? 5. package cn.com.reachway.framework.report.jasperPrint;???? ?
?????????????? 6.???? ?
?????????????? 7. import java.io.File;???? ?
?????????????? 8. import java.util.Map;???? ?
?????????????? 9.???? ?
????????????? 10. import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSource;???? ?
????????????? 11. import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException;???? ?
????????????? 12. import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperFillManager;???? ?
????????????? 13. import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperPrint;???? ?
????????????? 14. import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperReport;???? ?
????????????? 15. import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRLoader;???? ?
????????????? 16. import cn.com.reachway.framework.exception.JasperReportException;???? ?
????????????? 17.???? ?
????????????? 18. /**?? ?
????????????? 19.? *??? ?
????????????? 20.? */??? ?
????????????? 21. public class JasperPrintWithDataSource {???? ?
????????????? 22.? /** 传入的参数 */??? ?
????????????? 23.? private Map params;???? ?
????????????? 24.? /** 模板文件的地址 */??? ?
????????????? 25.? private String reportFilePath;???? ?
????????????? 26.? /** dataSrouce */??? ?
????????????? 27.? private JRDataSource dataSource;???? ?
????????????? 28.???? ?
????????????? 29.? public JRDataSource getDataSource() {???? ?
????????????? 30.?? return dataSource;???? ?
????????????? 31.? }???? ?
????????????? 32.???? ?
????????????? 33.? public void setDataSource(JRDataSource dataSource) {???? ?
????????????? 34.?? this.dataSource = dataSource;???? ?
????????????? 35.? }???? ?
????????????? 36.???? ?
????????????? 37.? public Map getParams() {???? ?
????????????? 38.?? return params;???? ?
????????????? 39.? }???? ?
????????????? 40.???? ?
????????????? 41.? public void setParams(Map params) {???? ?
????????????? 42.?? this.params = params;???? ?
????????????? 43.? }???? ?
????????????? 44.???? ?
????????????? 45.? public String getReportFilePath() {???? ?
????????????? 46.?? return reportFilePath;???? ?
????????????? 47.? }???? ?
????????????? 48.???? ?
????????????? 49.? public void setReportFilePath(String reportFilePath) throws JasperReportException {???? ?
????????????? 50.?? if (reportFilePath == null || !reportFilePath.endsWith(".jasper"))???? ?
????????????? 51.??? throw new JasperReportException("您传入的模板文件格式不对,请传入以.jasper为后缀的文件!");???? ?
????????????? 52.?? this.reportFilePath = reportFilePath;???? ?
????????????? 53.? }???? ?
????????????? 54.???? ?
????????????? 55.? public JasperPrintWithDataSource() {???? ?
????????????? 56.?? super();???? ?
????????????? 57.? }???? ?
????????????? 58.???? ?
????????????? 59.? public JasperPrintWithDataSource(String reportFilePath, Map params, JRDataSource dataSource)???? ?
????????????? 60.??? throws JasperReportException {???? ?
????????????? 61.?? if (reportFilePath == null || !reportFilePath.endsWith(".jasper"))???? ?
????????????? 62.??? throw new JasperReportException("模板文件格式不对,请传入以.jasper为后缀的文件!");???? ?
????????????? 63.?? if (dataSource == null)???? ?
????????????? 64.??? throw new JasperReportException("DataSource不应当为null!");???? ?
????????????? 65.?? this.setReportFilePath(reportFilePath);???? ?
????????????? 66.?? this.setParams(params);???? ?
????????????? 67.?? this.setDataSource(dataSource);???? ?
????????????? 68.? }???? ?
????????????? 69.? /**?? ?
????????????? 70.?? * 取得JasperPrint?? ?
????????????? 71.?? * @return?? ?
????????????? 72.?? * @throws JasperReportException?? ?
????????????? 73.?? */??? ?
????????????? 74.? public JasperPrint getJasperPrint() throws JasperReportException {???? ?
????????????? 75.?? File reportFile = new File(this.reportFilePath);???? ?
????????????? 76.?? if (!reportFile.exists())???? ?
????????????? 77.??? throw new JasperReportException("传入的模板文件不存在!");???? ?
????????????? 78.???? ?
????????????? 79.?? try {???? ?
????????????? 80.??? // Load编译好的模板???? ?
????????????? 81.??? JasperReport jasperReport = (JasperReport) JRLoader.loadObject(reportFile.getPath());???? ?
????????????? 82.??? // 进行数据填充???? ?
????????????? 83.??? JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, this.params, this.dataSource);???? ?
????????????? 84.??? return jasperPrint;???? ?
????????????? 85.???? ?
????????????? 86.?? } catch (JRException jre) {???? ?
????????????? 87.??? jre.printStackTrace();???? ?
????????????? 88.??? throw new JasperReportException("在进行数据填充时发生了错误中,请检查是否是数据库连接错误或者是用来填充的参数map有误!");???? ?
????????????? 89.?? }???? ?
????????????? 90.???? ?
????????????? 91.? }???? ?

????????????? 92. }





?? 1. /**??
?? 2.? * @copyRight Beijing Tsing-Tech Reachway Software Co.,Ltd.??
?? 3.? * @author Jimmy.Shine 2007-5-12??
?? 4.? */????
?? 5. package cn.com.reachway.framework.report.export;????
?? 6.?????
?? 7. import java.io.IOException;????
?? 8. import java.io.PrintWriter;????
?? 9. import java.sql.Connection;????
? 10. import java.util.Map;????
? 11.?????
? 12. import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;????
? 13. import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;????
? 14.?????
? 15. import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSource;????
? 16. import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRExporterParameter;????
? 17. import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperPrint;????
? 18. import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRHtmlExporter;????
? 19. import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRHtmlExporterParameter;????
? 20. import net.sf.jasperreports.j2ee.servlets.ImageServlet;????
? 21. import cn.com.reachway.framework.exception.JasperReportException;????
? 22. import cn.com.reachway.framework.report.jasperPrint.JasperPrintWithConnection;????
? 23. import cn.com.reachway.framework.report.jasperPrint.JasperPrintWithDataSource;????
? 24.?????
? 25. /**??
? 26.? * 利用报表生成HTML格式报表??
? 27.? */????
? 28. public class HTMLExport {????
? 29.?????
? 30.???? /**??
? 31.????? * 导出报表??
? 32.????? *???
? 33.????? * @param request??
? 34.????? * @param response??
? 35.????? * @param reportFilePath??
? 36.????? * @param params??
? 37.????? * @param con??
? 38.????? * @throws JasperReportException??
? 39.????? */????
? 40.???? public void export(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String reportFilePath, Map params,????
? 41.???????????? Connection con) throws JasperReportException {????
? 42.???????? try {????
? 43.???????????? PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();????
? 44.???????????? try {????
? 45.???????????????? response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8");????
? 46.???????????????? JasperPrint jasperPrint = new JasperPrintWithConnection(reportFilePath, params, con).getJasperPrint();????
? 47.???????????????? // 使用JRHtmlExproter导出Html格式????
? 48.???????????????? JRHtmlExporter exporter = new JRHtmlExporter();????
? 49.???????????????? request.getSession().setAttribute(ImageServlet.DEFAULT_JASPER_PRINT_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE, jasperPrint);????
? 50.???????????????? exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, jasperPrint);????
? 51.???????????????? exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_WRITER, out);????
? 52.???????????????? exporter.setParameter(JRHtmlExporterParameter.IMAGES_URI, "https://blog.csdn.net/skill_space/article/details/servlets/image?image=");????
? 53.???????????????? exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.CHARACTER_ENCODING, "UTF-8");????
? 54.???????????????? // 导出????
? 55.???????????????? exporter.exportReport();????
? 56.???????????? } catch (Exception e) {????
? 57.???????????????? e.printStackTrace();????
? 58.???????????????? throw new JasperReportException("在导出Html格式报表时发生错误!");????
? 59.???????????? } finally {????
? 60.???????????????? if (out != null) {????
? 61.???????????????????? try {????
? 62.???????????????????????? out.close();????
? 63.???????????????????? } catch (Exception e) {????
? 64.???????????????????? }????
? 65.???????????????? }????
? 66.???????????? }????
? 67.???????? } catch (IOException ioe) {????
? 68.???????????? ioe.printStackTrace();????
? 69.???????????? throw new JasperReportException("从Response中取得PrintWriter时发生错误!");????
? 70.???????? }????
? 71.???? }????
? 72.?????
? 73.???? /**??
? 74.????? * 导出报表??
? 75.????? *???
? 76.????? * @param request??
? 77.????? * @param response??
? 78.????? * @param reportFilePath??
? 79.????? * @param params??
? 80.????? * @param dataSource??
? 81.????? * @throws JasperReportException??
? 82.????? */????
? 83.???? public void export(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String reportFilePath, Map params,????
? 84.???????????? JRDataSource dataSource) throws JasperReportException {????
? 85.???????? try {????
? 86.???????????? PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();????
? 87.???????????? try {????
? 88.???????????????? response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8");????
? 89.???????????????? JasperPrint jasperPrint = new JasperPrintWithDataSource(reportFilePath, params, dataSource)????
? 90.???????????????????????? .getJasperPrint();????
? 91.???????????????? // 使用JRHtmlExproter导出Html格式????
? 92.???????????????? JRHtmlExporter exporter = new JRHtmlExporter();????
? 93.???????????????? request.getSession().setAttribute(ImageServlet.DEFAULT_JASPER_PRINT_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE, jasperPrint);????
? 94.???????????????? exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, jasperPrint);????
? 95.???????????????? exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_WRITER, out);????
? 96.???????????????? exporter.setParameter(JRHtmlExporterParameter.IMAGES_URI, "https://blog.csdn.net/skill_space/article/details/servlets/image?image=");????
? 97.???????????????? exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.CHARACTER_ENCODING, "UTF-8");????
? 98.???????????????? // 导出????
? 99.???????????????? exporter.exportReport();????
?100.???????????? } catch (Exception e) {????
?101.???????????????? e.printStackTrace();????
?102.???????????????? throw new JasperReportException("在导出Html格式报表时发生错误!");????
?103.???????????? } finally {????
?104.???????????????? if (out != null) {????
?105.???????????????????? try {????
?106.???????????????????????? out.close();????
?107.???????????????????? } catch (Exception e) {????
?108.???????????????????? }????
?109.???????????????? }????
?110.???????????? }????
?111.???????? } catch (IOException ioe) {????
?112.???????????? ioe.printStackTrace();????
?113.???????????? throw new JasperReportException("从Response中取得PrintWriter时发生错误!");????
?114.???????? }????
?115.???? }????
?117. }????

?* @copyRight Beijing Tsing-Tech Reachway Software Co.,Ltd.?
?* @author Jimmy.Shine 2007-5-12?
package cn.com.reachway.framework.report.export;??
import java.io.IOException;??
import java.io.PrintWriter;??
import java.sql.Connection;??
import java.util.Map;??
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;??
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;??
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSource;??
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRExporterParameter;??
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperPrint;??
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRHtmlExporter;??
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRHtmlExporterParameter;??
import net.sf.jasperreports.j2ee.servlets.ImageServlet;??
import cn.com.reachway.framework.exception.JasperReportException;??
import cn.com.reachway.framework.report.jasperPrint.JasperPrintWithConnection;??
import cn.com.reachway.framework.report.jasperPrint.JasperPrintWithDataSource;??
?* 利用报表生成HTML格式报表?
public class HTMLExport {??
??? /**?
???? * 导出报表?
???? *??
???? * @param request?
???? * @param response?
???? * @param reportFilePath?
???? * @param params?
???? * @param con?
???? * @throws JasperReportException?
???? */??
??? public void export(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String reportFilePath, Map params,??
??????????? Connection con) throws JasperReportException {??
??????? try {??
??????????? PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();??
??????????? try {??
??????????????? response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8");??
??????????????? JasperPrint jasperPrint = new JasperPrintWithConnection(reportFilePath, params, con).getJasperPrint();??
??????????????? // 使用JRHtmlExproter导出Html格式??
??????????????? JRHtmlExporter exporter = new JRHtmlExporter();??
??????????????? request.getSession().setAttribute(ImageServlet.DEFAULT_JASPER_PRINT_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE, jasperPrint);??
??????????????? exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, jasperPrint);??
??????????????? exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_WRITER, out);??
??????????????? exporter.setParameter(JRHtmlExporterParameter.IMAGES_URI, "https://blog.csdn.net/skill_space/article/details/servlets/image?image=");??
??????????????? exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.CHARACTER_ENCODING, "UTF-8");??
??????????????? // 导出??
??????????????? exporter.exportReport();??
??????????? } catch (Exception e) {??
??????????????? e.printStackTrace();??
??????????????? throw new JasperReportException("在导出Html格式报表时发生错误!");??
??????????? } finally {??
??????????????? if (out != null) {??
??????????????????? try {??
??????????????????????? out.close();??
??????????????????? } catch (Exception e) {??
??????????????????? }??
??????????????? }??
??????????? }??
??????? } catch (IOException ioe) {??
??????????? ioe.printStackTrace();??
??????????? throw new JasperReportException("从Response中取得PrintWriter时发生错误!");??
??????? }??
??? }??
??? /**?
???? * 导出报表?
???? *??
???? * @param request?
???? * @param response?
???? * @param reportFilePath?
???? * @param params?
???? * @param dataSource?
???? * @throws JasperReportException?
???? */??
??? public void export(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String reportFilePath, Map params,??
??????????? JRDataSource dataSource) throws JasperReportException {??
??????? try {??
??????????? PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();??
??????????? try {??
??????????????? response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8");??
??????????????? JasperPrint jasperPrint = new JasperPrintWithDataSource(reportFilePath, params, dataSource)??
??????????????????????? .getJasperPrint();??
??????????????? // 使用JRHtmlExproter导出Html格式??
??????????????? JRHtmlExporter exporter = new JRHtmlExporter();??
??????????????? request.getSession().setAttribute(ImageServlet.DEFAULT_JASPER_PRINT_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE, jasperPrint);??
??????????????? exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, jasperPrint);??
??????????????? exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_WRITER, out);??
??????????????? exporter.setParameter(JRHtmlExporterParameter.IMAGES_URI, "https://blog.csdn.net/skill_space/article/details/servlets/image?image=");??
??????????????? exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.CHARACTER_ENCODING, "UTF-8");??
??????????????? // 导出??
??????????????? exporter.exportReport();??
??????????? } catch (Exception e) {??
??????????????? e.printStackTrace();??
??????????????? throw new JasperReportException("在导出Html格式报表时发生错误!");??
??????????? } finally {??
??????????????? if (out != null) {??
??????????????????? try {??
??????????????????????? out.close();??
??????????????????? } catch (Exception e) {??
??????????????????? }??
??????????????? }??
??????????? }??
??????? } catch (IOException ioe) {??
??????????? ioe.printStackTrace();??
??????????? throw new JasperReportException("从Response中取得PrintWriter时发生错误!");??
??????? }??
??? }??


?? 1. /**??
?? 2.? * @copyRight Beijing Tsing-Tech Reachway Software Co.,Ltd.??
?? 3.? * @author Jimmy.Shine 2007-5-13??
?? 4.? */????
?? 5. package cn.com.reachway.framework.report.export;????
?? 6.?????
?? 7. import java.io.IOException;????
?? 8. import java.io.OutputStream;????
?? 9. import java.net.URLEncoder;????
? 10. import java.sql.Connection;????
? 11. import java.util.List;????
? 12. import java.util.Map;????
? 13.?????
? 14. import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;????
? 15. import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;????
? 16.?????
? 17. import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSource;????
? 18. import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException;????
? 19. import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRExporterParameter;????
? 20. import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperPrint;????
? 21. import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRXlsAbstractExporter;????
? 22. import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRXlsAbstractExporterParameter;????
? 23. import net.sf.jasperreports.j2ee.servlets.BaseHttpServlet;????
? 24. import cn.com.reachway.framework.exception.JasperReportException;????
? 25. import cn.com.reachway.framework.report.jasperPrint.JasperPrintWithConnection;????
? 26. import cn.com.reachway.framework.report.jasperPrint.JasperPrintWithDataSource;????
? 27.?????
? 28. /**??
? 29.? * 利用报表生成Xls的基类??
? 30.? */????
? 31. public abstract class BaseExcelExport {????
? 32.???? /**??
? 33.????? * 导出报表??
? 34.????? *???
? 35.????? * @param request??
? 36.????? * @param response??
? 37.????? * @param reportFilePath??
? 38.????? * @param params??
? 39.????? * @param con??
? 40.????? * @param fileName??
? 41.????? * @throws JasperReportException??
? 42.????? */????
? 43.???? public void export(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String reportFilePath, Map params,????
? 44.???????????? Connection con, String fileName) throws JasperReportException {????
? 45.???????? JasperPrint jasperPrint = new JasperPrintWithConnection(reportFilePath, params, con).getJasperPrint();????
? 46.???????? // 将填充完的japserPrint放入session中。????
? 47.???????? request.getSession().setAttribute(BaseHttpServlet.DEFAULT_JASPER_PRINT_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE, jasperPrint);????
? 48.???????? // 拿到japserPrintList????
? 49.???????? List jasperPrintList = BaseHttpServlet.getJasperPrintList(request);????
? 50.???????? // 若没有JasperPrintList,则抛出异常????
? 51.???????? if (jasperPrintList == null) {????
? 52.???????????? throw new JasperReportException("在Http Session中没有找到JasperPrint List");????
? 53.???????? }????
? 54.???????? try {????
? 55.???????????? OutputStream ouputStream = response.getOutputStream();????
? 56.???????????? try {????
? 57.?????
? 58.???????????????? response.setContentType("application/xls");????
? 59.???????????????? response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8");????
? 60.???????????????? if (fileName == null || fileName.equals(""))????
? 61.???????????????????? response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=/"noTitle.xls/"");????
? 62.???????????????? else {????
? 63.???????????????????? response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=/""????
? 64.???????????????????????????? + URLEncoder.encode(fileName, "UTF-8") + ".xls/"");????
? 65.?????
? 66.???????????????? }????
? 67.???????????????? // Xls格式的导出器 JRXlsAbstractExport????
? 68.???????????????? JRXlsAbstractExporter exporter = getXlsExporter();????
? 69.?????
? 70.???????????????? // 在导出器中放入要导出的japserPrintList????
? 71.???????????????? exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT_LIST, jasperPrintList);????
? 72.?????
? 73.???????????????? exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_STREAM, ouputStream);????
? 74.???????????????? // 设置Xls的属性????
? 75.???????????????? exporter.setParameter(JRXlsAbstractExporterParameter.IS_ONE_PAGE_PER_SHEET, Boolean.FALSE);????
? 76.???????????????? exporter.setParameter(JRXlsAbstractExporterParameter.IS_WHITE_PAGE_BACKGROUND, Boolean.FALSE);????
? 77.???????????????? // 导出????
? 78.???????????????? exporter.exportReport();????
? 79.???????????? } catch (JRException e) {????
? 80.???????????????? e.printStackTrace();????
? 81.???????????????? throw new JasperReportException("在生成XLS报表时发生错误!");????
? 82.???????????? }????
? 83.?????
? 84.???????????? finally {????
? 85.???????????????? if (ouputStream != null) {????
? 86.???????????????????? try {????
? 87.???????????????????????? ouputStream.close();????
? 88.???????????????????? } catch (IOException ex) {????
? 89.???????????????????? }????
? 90.???????????????? }????
? 91.???????????? }????
? 92.???????? } catch (IOException ioe) {????
? 93.???????????? ioe.printStackTrace();????
? 94.???????????? throw new JasperReportException("从Response中取得OutputStream时发生错误!");????
? 95.???????? }????
? 96.?????
? 97.???? }????
? 98.?????
? 99.???? /**??
?100.????? * 导出报表??
?101.????? *???
?102.????? * @param request??
?103.????? * @param response??
?104.????? * @param reportFilePath??
?105.????? * @param params??
?106.????? * @param dataSource??
?107.????? * @param fileName??
?108.????? * @throws JasperReportException??
?109.????? */????
?110.???? public void export(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String reportFilePath, Map params,????
?111.???????????? JRDataSource dataSource, String fileName) throws JasperReportException {????
?112.???????? JasperPrint jasperPrint = new JasperPrintWithDataSource(reportFilePath, params, dataSource).getJasperPrint();????
?113.???????? // 将填充完的japserPrint放入session中。????
?114.???????? request.getSession().setAttribute(BaseHttpServlet.DEFAULT_JASPER_PRINT_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE, jasperPrint);????
?115.???????? // 拿到japserPrintList????
?116.???????? List jasperPrintList = BaseHttpServlet.getJasperPrintList(request);????
?117.???????? // 若没有JasperPrintList,则抛出异常????
?118.???????? if (jasperPrintList == null) {????
?119.???????????? throw new JasperReportException("在Http Session中没有找到JasperPrint List");????
?120.???????? }????
?121.???????? try {????
?122.???????????? OutputStream ouputStream = response.getOutputStream();????
?123.???????????? try {????
?125.???????????????? response.setContentType("application/xls");????
?126.???????????????? response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8");????
?127.???????????????? if (fileName == null || fileName.equals(""))????
?128.???????????????????? response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=/"noTitle.xls/"");????
?129.???????????????? else {????
?130.???????????????????? response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=/""????
?131.???????????????????????????? + URLEncoder.encode(fileName, "UTF-8") + ".xls/"");????
?133.???????????????? }????
?134.???????????????? // Xls格式的导出器 JRXlsAbstractExport????
?135.???????????????? JRXlsAbstractExporter exporter = getXlsExporter();????
?137.???????????????? // 在导出器中放入要导出的japserPrintList????
?138.???????????????? exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT_LIST, jasperPrintList);????
?140.???????????????? exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_STREAM, ouputStream);????
?141.???????????????? // 设置Xls的属性????
?142.???????????????? exporter.setParameter(JRXlsAbstractExporterParameter.IS_ONE_PAGE_PER_SHEET, Boolean.FALSE);????
?143.???????????????? exporter.setParameter(JRXlsAbstractExporterParameter.IS_WHITE_PAGE_BACKGROUND, Boolean.FALSE);????
?144.???????????????? // 导出????
?145.???????????????? exporter.exportReport();????
?146.???????????? } catch (JRException e) {????
?147.???????????????? e.printStackTrace();????
?148.???????????????? throw new JasperReportException("在生成XLS报表时发生错误!");????
?149.???????????? }????
?151.???????????? finally {????
?152.???????????????? if (ouputStream != null) {????
?153.???????????????????? try {????
?154.???????????????????????? ouputStream.close();????
?155.???????????????????? } catch (IOException ex) {????
?156.???????????????????? }????
?157.???????????????? }????
?158.???????????? }????
?159.???????? } catch (IOException ioe) {????
?160.???????????? ioe.printStackTrace();????
?161.???????????? throw new JasperReportException("从Response中取得OutputStream时发生错误!");????
?162.???????? }????
?164.???? }????
?166.???? protected abstract JRXlsAbstractExporter getXlsExporter();????
?168. }????

?* @copyRight Beijing Tsing-Tech Reachway Software Co.,Ltd.?
?* @author Jimmy.Shine 2007-5-13?
package cn.com.reachway.framework.report.export;??
import java.io.IOException;??
import java.io.OutputStream;??
import java.net.URLEncoder;??
import java.sql.Connection;??
import java.util.List;??
import java.util.Map;??
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;??
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;??
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSource;??
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException;??
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRExporterParameter;??
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperPrint;??
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRXlsAbstractExporter;??
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRXlsAbstractExporterParameter;??
import net.sf.jasperreports.j2ee.servlets.BaseHttpServlet;??
import cn.com.reachway.framework.exception.JasperReportException;??
import cn.com.reachway.framework.report.jasperPrint.JasperPrintWithConnection;??
import cn.com.reachway.framework.report.jasperPrint.JasperPrintWithDataSource;??
?* 利用报表生成Xls的基类?
public abstract class BaseExcelExport {??
??? /**?
???? * 导出报表?
???? *??
???? * @param request?
???? * @param response?
???? * @param reportFilePath?
???? * @param params?
???? * @param con?
???? * @param fileName?
???? * @throws JasperReportException?
???? */??
??? public void export(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String reportFilePath, Map params,??
??????????? Connection con, String fileName) throws JasperReportException {??
??????? JasperPrint jasperPrint = new JasperPrintWithConnection(reportFilePath, params, con).getJasperPrint();??
??????? // 将填充完的japserPrint放入session中。??
??????? request.getSession().setAttribute(BaseHttpServlet.DEFAULT_JASPER_PRINT_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE, jasperPrint);??
??????? // 拿到japserPrintList??
??????? List jasperPrintList = BaseHttpServlet.getJasperPrintList(request);??
??????? // 若没有JasperPrintList,则抛出异常??
??????? if (jasperPrintList == null) {??
??????????? throw new JasperReportException("在Http Session中没有找到JasperPrint List");??
??????? }??
??????? try {??
??????????? OutputStream ouputStream = response.getOutputStream();??
??????????? try {??
??????????????? response.setContentType("application/xls");??
??????????????? response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8");??
??????????????? if (fileName == null || fileName.equals(""))??
??????????????????? response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=/"noTitle.xls/"");??
??????????????? else {??
??????????????????? response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=/""??
??????????????????????????? + URLEncoder.encode(fileName, "UTF-8") + ".xls/"");??
??????????????? }??
??????????????? // Xls格式的导出器 JRXlsAbstractExport??
??????????????? JRXlsAbstractExporter exporter = getXlsExporter();??
??????????????? // 在导出器中放入要导出的japserPrintList??
??????????????? exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT_LIST, jasperPrintList);??
??????????????? exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_STREAM, ouputStream);??
??????????????? // 设置Xls的属性??
??????????????? exporter.setParameter(JRXlsAbstractExporterParameter.IS_ONE_PAGE_PER_SHEET, Boolean.FALSE);??
??????????????? exporter.setParameter(JRXlsAbstractExporterParameter.IS_WHITE_PAGE_BACKGROUND, Boolean.FALSE);??
??????????????? // 导出??
??????????????? exporter.exportReport();??
??????????? } catch (JRException e) {??
??????????????? e.printStackTrace();??
??????????????? throw new JasperReportException("在生成XLS报表时发生错误!");??
??????????? }??
??????????? finally {??
??????????????? if (ouputStream != null) {??
??????????????????? try {??
??????????????????????? ouputStream.close();??
??????????????????? } catch (IOException ex) {??
??????????????????? }??
??????????????? }??
??????????? }??
??????? } catch (IOException ioe) {??
??????????? ioe.printStackTrace();??
??????????? throw new JasperReportException("从Response中取得OutputStream时发生错误!");??
??????? }??
??? }??
??? /**?
???? * 导出报表?
???? *??
???? * @param request?
???? * @param response?
???? * @param reportFilePath?
???? * @param params?
???? * @param dataSource?
???? * @param fileName?
???? * @throws JasperReportException?
???? */??
??? public void export(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String reportFilePath, Map params,??
??????????? JRDataSource dataSource, String fileName) throws JasperReportException {??
??????? JasperPrint jasperPrint = new JasperPrintWithDataSource(reportFilePath, params, dataSource).getJasperPrint();??
??????? // 将填充完的japserPrint放入session中。??
??????? request.getSession().setAttribute(BaseHttpServlet.DEFAULT_JASPER_PRINT_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE, jasperPrint);??
??????? // 拿到japserPrintList??
??????? List jasperPrintList = BaseHttpServlet.getJasperPrintList(request);??
??????? // 若没有JasperPrintList,则抛出异常??
??????? if (jasperPrintList == null) {??
??????????? throw new JasperReportException("在Http Session中没有找到JasperPrint List");??
??????? }??
??????? try {??
??????????? OutputStream ouputStream = response.getOutputStream();??
??????????? try {??
??????????????? response.setContentType("application/xls");??
??????????????? response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8");??
??????????????? if (fileName == null || fileName.equals(""))??
??????????????????? response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=/"noTitle.xls/"");??
??????????????? else {??
??????????????????? response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=/""??
??????????????????????????? + URLEncoder.encode(fileName, "UTF-8") + ".xls/"");??
??????????????? }??
??????????????? // Xls格式的导出器 JRXlsAbstractExport??
??????????????? JRXlsAbstractExporter exporter = getXlsExporter();??
??????????????? // 在导出器中放入要导出的japserPrintList??
??????????????? exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT_LIST, jasperPrintList);??
??????????????? exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_STREAM, ouputStream);??
??????????????? // 设置Xls的属性??
??????????????? exporter.setParameter(JRXlsAbstractExporterParameter.IS_ONE_PAGE_PER_SHEET, Boolean.FALSE);??
??????????????? exporter.setParameter(JRXlsAbstractExporterParameter.IS_WHITE_PAGE_BACKGROUND, Boolean.FALSE);??
??????????????? // 导出??
??????????????? exporter.exportReport();??
??????????? } catch (JRException e) {??
??????????????? e.printStackTrace();??
??????????????? throw new JasperReportException("在生成XLS报表时发生错误!");??
??????????? }??
??????????? finally {??
??????????????? if (ouputStream != null) {??
??????????????????? try {??
??????????????????????? ouputStream.close();??
??????????????????? } catch (IOException ex) {??
??????????????????? }??
??????????????? }??
??????????? }??
??????? } catch (IOException ioe) {??
??????????? ioe.printStackTrace();??
??????????? throw new JasperReportException("从Response中取得OutputStream时发生错误!");??
??????? }??
??? }??
??? protected abstract JRXlsAbstractExporter getXlsExporter();??


?? 1. /**??
?? 2.? * @copyRight Beijing Tsing-Tech Reachway Software Co.,Ltd.??
?? 3.? * @author Jimmy.Shine 2007-5-13??
?? 4.? */????
?? 5. package cn.com.reachway.framework.report.export;????
?? 6.?????
?? 7. import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRXlsAbstractExporter;????
?? 8. import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRXlsExporter;????
?? 9.?????
? 10. /**??
? 11.? * 利用报表使用POI生成XLS报表??
? 12.? */????
? 13. public class XlsPOIExport extends BaseExcelExport {????
? 14.?????
? 15.???? protected JRXlsAbstractExporter getXlsExporter() {????
? 16.???????? return new JRXlsExporter();????
? 17.???? }????
? 18.?????
? 19. }????
? 20.???????

?* @copyRight Beijing Tsing-Tech Reachway Software Co.,Ltd.?
?* @author Jimmy.Shine 2007-5-13?
package cn.com.reachway.framework.report.export;??
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRXlsAbstractExporter;??
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRXlsExporter;??
?* 利用报表使用POI生成XLS报表?
public class XlsPOIExport extends BaseExcelExport {??
??? protected JRXlsAbstractExporter getXlsExporter() {??
??????? return new JRXlsExporter();??
??? }??


?? 1. /**??
?? 2.? * @copyRight Beijing Tsing-Tech Reachway Software Co.,Ltd.??
?? 3.? * @author Jimmy.Shine 2007-5-13??
?? 4.? */????
?? 5. package cn.com.reachway.framework.report.export;????
?? 6.?????
?? 7. import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JExcelApiExporter;????
?? 8. import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRXlsAbstractExporter;????
?? 9.?????
? 10. /**??
? 11.? * 利用报表使用JExcel生成xls报表??
? 12.? */????
? 13. public class XlsJExcelExport extends BaseExcelExport {????
? 14.?????
? 15.???? protected JRXlsAbstractExporter getXlsExporter() {????
? 16.???????? return new JExcelApiExporter();????
? 17.???? }????
? 18. }




转载请注明来自石家庄天鲲化工设备有限公司 ,本文标题:《JasperReport报表设计总结》





评论列表 (暂无评论,4人围观)参与讨论


永寿县| 保山市| 泰和县| 福清市| 阳城县| 绥棱县| 中西区| 中江县| 新建县| 屏东县| 荔浦县| 宿迁市| 晋州市| 临沧市| 南康市| 贵德县| 宜阳县| 大港区| 伊川县| 大名县| 鹤壁市| 千阳县| 长春市| 大英县| 彰化县| 肥城市| 临夏县| 阿巴嘎旗| 双峰县| 东乡族自治县| 蒙阴县| 万山特区| 河南省| 巫溪县| 湟中县| 法库县| 玉环县| 黄冈市| 阆中市| 赤水市| 弥勒县|